Friday 20 February 2009

A place to love (and to go): Marché aux puces, Paris

One of the things I love the most in Paris is Le Marché du Puces. Personally I prefer to arrive the weekend before PV to enjoy the city and this lovely market before Paris gets crowed with the fair. No matter you're looking for "vintage" or forniture or just to forget about bussines is always worth visiting.
A couple of sites you can find more about it:

Marches Aux Puces & Paris Puces


スイ said...

lo que a primera vista me habian parecido caracolas, han resultado ser puntillas, encajes o blondas (que viene a ser lo mismo en diferentes palabras). Es Paris.

Mi foto favorita: los cuellos de camisas, que me recuerdan a las pajaritas hechas en origami

Laura said...

Me encantan las fotos!!! Por qué yo no he estado allí? :(